Pioneering Research for
Health innovations in India
To power translational research through interdisciplinary teams and state-of-the-art research facilities
To develop mobile applications for improving access to services for the most vulnerable and neglected patient groups leading to disease management.
To find new avenues to prevent, diagnose and monitor health problems
To develop affordable healthcare devices to manage and cure diseases
To develop cost effective technologies for rural and remote areas to enhance medical services.
To collaborate with local medical centres and try to solve real time problems
Recent Publications
Bhasin, H, Agrawal, RK. Triploid genetic algorithm for convolutional neural network–based diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2022; 18: 2283–2291. (
Triploid Genetic Algorithms
Bhasin, H., Agrawal, R.K. & For Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. A combination of 3-D discrete wavelet transform and 3-D local binary pattern for classification of mild cognitive impairment. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 20, 37 (2020). (
Mild Cognitive Impairments
Bhasin, H., Behal, G., Aggarwal, N. et al. On the applicability of diploid genetic algorithms in dynamic environments. Soft Comput 20, 3403–3410 (2016). (
Diploid Genetic Algorithms
H. Bhasin and R. K. Agrawal, “Multiple-Activation Parallel Convolution Network in Combination with t-SNE for the Classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment,” 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), Kragujevac, Serbia, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: (
Multiple Activation Parallel Neural Networks
Sarvodya Hospital
Thsti Institute
Asian Hospital
METRO Hospital